Please check out our new site for the unreal version
Message from PMMOP

14th March 2020
Hi all,
Unfortunately Im currently going through a rough patch financially and am unable to justify continuing to run this site "professionally" so it has been moved to a free wix site until further notice, i would like to have the content of the site built into the game at some point sooner rather than later.. until then im discontinuing development of PMMOP.
Message from PMMOP
23rd October 2019

Hi all,
I know loading times and RAM usage are a big problem here, while i work on fixing it i have made a "bandage" solution. Pokedex-LITE is a new form of the original pokedex pages but without the need to load new pages. this solution isn't perfect but is much faster for viewing multiple entries per visit. hope this helps.
Message from PMMOP
7th October 2019

Hi all,
With the Update so close i know this isnt the most exciting news but the PMMOP Forum is closing down after 1 year and 7 months of running, The forum never quite took off and was only used by a select few ( you guys are great ), instead i will be focusing my efforts on the Discord server, it's much more populated and the best way to stay updated on the game.
Message from PMMOP
19th May 2019

It's been a while.
So, im finally back. i plan to continue working on the site in the coming weeks, my first priority is the long awaited handbook section.
for long time users you may remember the anniversary for PMMOP is coming up (28th May) this will celebrate 2 years of the website. as of now i have no plans like last year but i will try to think of something to celebrate.
Message from PMMOP
17th January 2019

Happy New year!
I would like to say some cheesy "new year new site" nonsense but that would be somewhat misleading, i have every intention of improving the site in the future... but this is an important year for me and i'm afraid i wont find the time to work on it for the majority of the year or at least the first half.
I have taken the time i have before my final semester to clean the site as much as i can to help speed things up hopefully it helps. In the meantime i suggest you follow kevtendos videos, they are packed with information that is sure to help you....they also load a lot faster XD.
To be continued....
Message from PMMOP
10th November 2018

We recently hit 1,000 members on our Official discord server [].
For those of you that dont know about discord, its a communication platform designed mainly for and around gaming. In our server `Pokemon MMO 3D` you can talk, trade and connect with all players from around the globe.
- please read the instructions when you join so you don't get lost.
Message from PMMOP
28th October 2018

Happy Halloween!
The Halloween Event has begun. Spooky Pokemon roam the region at night so be careful when exploring alone.
During the event the shiny rate is `1/1000` 3 time lower, the XP is doubled and the `Invaders` give a bonus.
The event brings much more than explained in this message, but you'll have to play to find out.
Message from PMMOP
4th October 2018

Hello Everyone,
If you want to learn more you can head over to the forum by [Clicking this link]
Message from PMMOP
30th August 2018

Hello Everyone,
Most of the information is complete and correct now but id like to make it a little more helpful to users and some help would be nice, I need a full list of the spawns for the most common pokemon (Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Sandshrew, Nidoran (M/F), Zubat, Geodude and Onix) if you could list ALL the locations as you play and post the information here any help would be appreciated.
Message from PMMOP
6th August 2018

Hello Everyone,
Sorry for the delay with information, due to the amount of change in this version collecting all the required info was far too big of a task for the deadline I had set, not to mention the things I needed outside assistance for. The information on PMMOP is still being updated and hasn't been 100% verified so there may be some errors and inconsistencies if you find anything please contact me directly through either the forum or discord.
Message from PMMOP
5th July 2018

Hello Everyone,
As the update [Beyond Limits] is coming to its final stages of development, I wold like to inform you that i will be withholding information such as new Pokemon locations and moves for 1 week after the release of the new version. this is to let the hardcore players explore and discover the contents of the update with no spoilers. this also allows me to verify the information before updating the database.