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These are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

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Can I Stream/Record content on twitch/youtube for this game?


Absolutely, we encourage it

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What's a Fragment Event?


Fragment events happen when a collective of 10,000 Pokémon have been KO'd in a given channel/map.
These events only effect the channel/map where the goal was reached. Click to Read more

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Will other regions be added not just Kanto?


yes, eventually we plan to make all the regions.

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Where is Viridian City?


Its still in development and is on track to be released in the near future. once it is released we can gauge how long it will take for the other cities.

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Where do my screenshots save to?


Copy and paste this URL into your file explorer (you need to have taken a screenshot first for the folder to be created).

Press F9 to take a screenshot.

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Will we need to start over when the update comes out?


No, We plan to keep player data for the entire duration of the project. The player data from unity was copied on 28/01/2022, the data will not be synced or copied again.

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If new moves are added to the game will my Pokémon get them?


Pokémon moves are added to all existing Pokémon, it doesn't matter when you caught it, if its supposed to learn a move it will learn it, however if you evolve before its supposed to learn a move, you will not get the move.

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My Pokémon is missing a move because it was evolved at the wrong level, can i get the move again?


We don't edit players Pokémon so please don't create a ticket for it. its possible moves will be able to be relearnt at a later date but currently if you're missing a move for this reason you cannot get the move.

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Can I help Test?


Maybe? we will open the game to the public for testing once our private "thorough" testing is complete to ensure the majority of bugs is reported. to protect the update from leaking prematurely the testing will be kept private and only accessible to people selected by us. (please don't ask us, we will reach out to you if you meet the requirements)

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Is the game dead/abandoned?


No, after the last update in 2019 the project file itself became increasingly unstable to work with, patches and other bug fix attempts worsened the issues forcing us to make the decision to rebuild everything again, at this point we decided to switch engines in the hopes we don't have to encounter these issues again. for this reason the game hasn't had an update or event, we're working tirelessly on the new version to get back to having a functioning game again. we didn't abandon it, it abandoned us.

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What are the PC requirements for Unreal?


So far we have confirmed that you need at least 4GB of free space (ideally much more)

Your GPU must support shader models 5 or higher (if your GPU is from the last decade you should be fine, IGPUs may vary)

4GB RAM Minimum - 8GB Recommended.

The game has been tested with a Intel Atom x7-Z8750, while it wasn't a pleasant experience it ran so its safe to say your CPU shouldn't be an issue.

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Can I re-catch a legendary pokemon?


No, not on the same character. This system is based on the Pokedex, once the legend has been registered you cannot catch another, even if you release the pokemon.

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Can I trade/sell my starter?


No, all "free" gift pokemon are untradeable, this is indicated by the 2 red arrows below the pokemon image in the Poke-stat window.

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Can we Breed Pokemon?


Not yet, this system has not been implemented.

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How do spawn rates/Shiny rates work?


a rate is an indicator of probability so the rate of 1/100 does not mean you're guaranteed the spawn after 100 Pokémon.
Imagine a 100 sided die 🎲 is rolled every time that Pokémon spawns, if it lands on 100, the desired Pokémon spawns, roll another 2000 sided die to determine if its shiny.
your account or character does not affect the rates in anyway, its RNG in its purest form.

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How do I get happiness?


Completing quests is by far the fastest way to increase happiness for your team you will gain additional happiness by battling wild Pokémon.

it used to be that if your Pokémon faints you will lose 10% of the total happiness, this isn't currently in effect but may be re-introduced later.

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Why does the Noobook keep showing?


the Noobook will keep showing on login and map changes until you complete the first mission "pick a starter".

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Does this game have Pokemon that evolve by trading?


No, all pokemon that usually evolve on trade has been changed to trade on happiness for this game. The Pokedex p Will tell you the required value.

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Whats the max Level?


125 is the limit as of 07/08/2023

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Whats the max EV value?


You can have up to 2000 per stat. if you're over level 100 you can train an additional 100 EVs per level over 100 (eg. lvl 105 = 2500EVs)

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Is "my favourite Pokémon" in the game?


Check the current pokemon List to find out, if its from Gen 1-2, its most likley in game.

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How do Trainer Levels work?


ou can level your trainer in multiple ways, the most efficient is filling your Pokedex, for every newly registered Pokémon you will gain an ever-increasing amount of XP.

Completing quests would be the next effective way of levelling as they are repeatable, different quests have different rewards.

Alternatively, you can manually farm it by fainting wild Pokémon above the level of your Pokémon and at a type disadvantage. you will gain 1 trainer XP per KO under this condition.
lvl 5 Charmander vs lvl 6 Geodude = 1 Trainer XP (if you win)

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How does XP work?


XP gain is based on your trainer level (Level 0 = 100% gain. Level 5 = 105%. Level 50 = 150%... etc etc). so the higher your trainer level the higher your XP gain is

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How does money work?


Pokémon have a chance to drop "Loots" these can be sold for money, Completing quests also gives Money.

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How can I travel faster.


Currently you have to walk everywhere, your location is saved when you log out. we will be adding Bikes and ridable Pokémon in the future.

You can also fast travel via the Map M key

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Why is it always day/night when I play?


In Unreal the day/night cycle is 180 minutes for a full "24h" cycle. Time does not impact the spawns of Pokémon... Yet

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How do I trade?


n Unreal there is no peer-to-peer trading function, currently the only way to exchange Pokémon is to use the Broker, but we do not recommend trading peer-to-peer as there is scam no protection for this.

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Can I be an admin?


Unfortunately we don't have an application process. We hand select our admins and other staff. An in-game moderation team is in the works so be on your best behaviour

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Can I help develop?


We're not currently looking for more developers but always appreciate the offer.

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Why do Trainer coins cost real money?


To put it simply, this project/game costs money to run and develop, we pay a company to host our server, these costs can be expensive and occur monthly. we also spend donated money on software and marketplace content to aid development. without additional funding the game would be very difficult if not impossible to manage. we promise to not make the game pay to win in any way but cosmetics and other luxury items will be available to purchase for a small fee.

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How do I get Trainer coins?


Trainer coins are given to donators (150 coins per 1€)
you can purchase them in game via the Store Y Key or via donating to our Tipeee page

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How do I evolve my Pokémon?


If you meet the evolution requirements e.g. level, Happiness, stone.. you need to open the poke-stat window (press T then select the Pokémon) then open the evolution tab and click to evolve, your Pokémon must be sent out for this to work.

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How many Pokémon are there and will you be adding more?


Currently approximately ~215 Pokémon are in the game from gens 1 and 2. we intend on adding all the Pokémon in the future... it takes time. (not all 215 are obtainable in the wild and some are from previous versions) Click Below for a list of available pokemon.

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How do I battle gyms


Currently you can't, but it's planned for future updates.

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I forgot my Password, how can I restore my account?


You will need to have access to the email you signed up with. Press the Forgot Password button, enter your email and submit the form. an email will be sent to you (check spam folder) the email will contain a "Magic Key", open the game back up and enter the magic key in the corresponding window, your email and the password you want.

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When is the next Event?


We don't usually plan too far ahead so its uncertain but we do try to schedule a discord event a few days before it starts! Seasonal Events you can expect: Halloween (October), Christmas (December), Game Anniversary - (April).... (This is the Ho-Oh Lugia one).

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When is the next Update?


We released the unreal version in January of 2022 and have been trying to put out at least one update each month when possible.

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