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Loots & Drops:


What are loots and what are drops?


When you faint a wild Pokemon there is a chance for it to "drop" something, this could be one of 2 things:

  • HP Replenishment (HP Sparkles)

  • Pokemon Candy (Loot)


HP Replenishment:


HP Replenishments simply restores/replenishes 5% of your health upon contact if you are not already fully healed. if you are at max health you will not be able to pick them up. They will drop at a rate of

3 in 10 (3/10) so they will be fairly common. 


HP Replenishments can be picked up by everyone regardless of who

fainted the wild Pokemon that dropped it. they will despawn/disappear

after 1 minute if not collected. 




Pokemon Candy:


Pokemon Candy can be sold to the candy collector found outside the Pallet Town

and Training 1 Pokecenters for Pokedollars, each candy has a unique value 

based on the species. All candy is named after the "Baisc/stage1" evolution. 

For example, a Metapod or Buterfree will both drop a Caterpie candy.


To collect candy you need to be close to it, hover your cursor over the candy and press your Interaction Key "E"


The drop rate is also dependent on 2 factors the Pokemon itself and the global drop rate, you can see this in the Pokedex per species and the server settings menu respectively. the general trend is that the higher the evolutionary stage the more likely they are to drop a candy.   


Here's the Pokemon rate calculation:


{Rates} * ( 1 + {Pokemon Level} / 100 + {Boss_Rank} )


Pokemon Candy Further Uses:


In the future, more uses for candy are planned, for things like crafting and or modifications. these concepts are still in the planning phase so further explanations are not possible, some players have decided it might be worth holding onto candies to see what these new features can offer as money has limited uses, you can choose to do what you feel is best at this stage as this information may be used to inform your decision about the next piece of information. 


Candy/loot Storage bags:


When you start collecting candy you will soon notice that you can only carry a limited number of candies at a time (20), if you plan to collect them you need to be prepared to spend a lot of money on bag extensions, the pricing and capacity are as follows:


20 - Free

40 - 100,000

60 - 500,000

80 - 2,000,000

100 - 10,000,000

120 - 50,000,000

140 - 200,000,000

160 - 1,000,000,000


Currently, 160 slots is the maximum you can have. 

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