The size distribution of wild Pokemon is best represented in the form of a bell curve, noting the scale of 1 in the middle as the most common value, realistically you're more likely to end up with something in the range of 0.9-1.1 favouring values closer to 1 but not exactly 1 as the peak is less of a point and more of a plateau.
The bell curve illustrates that the further away you get from the centre "1" the less common the size will appear. This works out to approximately a 1/1,000,000 rate for either max value (0.5 and 2).
The graphs below are just for visualisation of the distribution.
Wild Pokemon Size Distribution:
Spawn Frequency
Most Common
The Size fragment event simply expands the range of the common sizes, allowing the rarer sizes to be found more easily compared to regular rates, the graph below is a representation of how that would look using the same bell curve structure as before.